Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Weekend

What a good weekend I had.

Friday- Josh and I celebrated his Birthday/Valentine's. It was so nice to have a yummy and romantic dinner together. We also started watching our new favorite show "Breaking Bad".
Saturday- Spent some time with the in-laws and then another easy going night relaxing.
Sunday- More of a study day, but we were able to sleep in and didn't have to rush around all day. I started working on an old dress that I had hanging in my closet. Its a plain black sundress, and I am in the process of doctoring it up... I will post a picture when it's all done. :)

I did get my clinical schedule too... It's going to be interested. I am so extremely nervous to get started that today I had a thought that I didn't want to do it anymore... I know that it is just my nerves taking over, but it's always scary when you are put out of your comfort zone.  The clinic is in Taylor, Mi and it deals with a lot of drug related issues. Since I have never poked anyone [besides an insulin shot] I'm so freaked out to mess up or hurt someone. I start this Wednesday, wish me luck!

Other than that, things are good. Josh and I are going on vacation in 2 weeks and I couldn't be more excited to get outta town for a few days and spend quality time with my man.

Goodbye for now,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Exam week, birthday boy, and being crafty.

The birthday boy turned 23 on thursday [the 16th]! Woohoo! I didn't think I would be able to see him that day, but he got home around 8pm and we were able to go out for appetizers at bdubs, which was a nice surprise. [for him and me].

Although there was lots to celebrate this week, he had to keep focused and study hard for yet another gigantic test yesterday.

A few days ago I wrote about my special gift that I made Josh... well I caved and gave it to him on Valentine's day because I had to.  The special gift was a "Year of Dates"- I planned out a date night for every month of the year, found the places, and the price and made cute little cards to go along with it.

[a sneak peek of some dates- our first date is a piston vs. heat game at the palace]

We also made it through Exam week/weekend, Josh passed and I kept busy :) 

As for being creative, I've been getting my pinterest on and finding SO many cool blogs about crafts and DIY home ideas. I also made a cute "goal board" the other night - It's to keep me motivated in my food and work out habits. 

Goodbye for now, 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! <3

Mr. Med School and I are celebrating v-day/b-day next week... BUT, I got to see him TODAY during day light hours. DURING an exam week! Crazy, I know.

I felt extra festive today. I brought cookies that I had made into work, wore my pink scrub top, dressed all my residents in festive colors, and a few even remembered it was Valentine's Day. Then two good friends and I went to dinner [Bar Louie- $1 Burger night, and Margaritas!!] and a movie [The Vow] while our men studied. To top it all off, I don't have to work tomorrow :) all in all, good day.

The med students decorated bags and passed out candies and Valentine's. - so cute!

Hope everyone had a nice day today and felt the love near and far.

Goodbye for now,


Sunday, February 12, 2012


Hi all,

I've been working on a pretty cool project all night,  and I'm super excited about it! -- but, I can't write about it yet! :(

I came across a blog that gave me an awesome idea for Josh's b-day/V-day gift. Josh's birthday is Feb. 16th and I never wanted to take away from his birthday just because of valentines day but its always nice to do a little something for it. We've never put too much emphasis on it anyways, but being married this year makes it feel a little more special.

I will give all the details after the 24th but I was just so excited to had to share... something. I have the hardest time keeping surprises, surprises. so we will see ;)

I also found a really cool blog about marriage; which gave some awesome tips and ideas. I love stumbling across little treasures like that.  --

Well, I better try and get to bed. Goodbye for now.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I had one of those days were everything seemed to click.

I've been at my current job now for four months, almost to the day... and although people have been nice and it is a good job, I've never really felt like I've fit in there. I'm either 20 or 30 years younger, or just in a different place in life. So, I go in, do the work and then leave. I hate that.

I don't know what it is, I usually make friends and form relationships very fast in new places but I've felt like I needed to keep a guard up.

Well, today felt like huge turning point... im not sure what it was; maybe I'm the one growing or opening up more. Whatever is it, I actually felt an enormous amount of support behind me. I felt apart of the team and I had people sticking up for me and helping me.  to me, thats huge. All I want is to know I'm not alone.

I think this turning point is not only in my job but in my daily life. I am handling med school much better this semester and I am learning how to cope and accept the things that are happening. Good or bad.

** A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend about how I hate that I can have a perfectly good day and the minute Josh gets in the door, all I do is rant and rave about the one bad thing that happened. I think being secure and happy about whats going on in your life makes the good days "more real" - knowing that you deserved this day. Being comfortable sharing happy details with people that care about you and not just the annoying crappy stuff- even though they are there to listen to that stuff too. [Make Sense?]**

I left work feeling empowered and proud of what I had accomplished today.

This new found light has inspired even more to keep working out. On a quick side note, I have sucked at going to the gym and working out. I don't know why, I want to get into shape, I have all the tools at my finger tips but I. DON'T. DO .IT.  -- I even feel sick with guilt when I don't... But, I need to buck up and just do it. I work my butt at work all day, what's another hour at the gym.
[I mean really, come on felicia!]

Goodbye for now,

Sunday, February 5, 2012

update time.

Hello Everyone, 

Well, im failing at writing 3 to 4 times a week... but in my defense I have actually been busy. Which is pretty nice when Josh is so swamped with school. 

So this will be an update blog... 
  • The exam went very well for Josh, better than he thought. Which is always good. And even though this semester he only has three weeks in-between each exam he still took time to relax and enjoy being home this week.  
  • I officially started my Phlebotomy program, which I love! The information is so interesting and it feels so good to be learning something new and different. Although I love my elderly residents, it will be great to broaden my horizon and be able to work with all different ages.  So far I am in the class portion of the program, which will probably take me 2 or 3 weeks depending on how fast I learn the next few chapters.  Then I will be placed in a clinical for 2 weeks. I can't wait to finally get in there and really start practicing. 
  • Our connect group met again, which was really nice to catch up with everyone.  We also decided to start a book club among us.  We will be reading "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein.  Although the connect group has started out slow, its so nice to know its there. I think in the next year or so things will really start moving with it. I am looking forward to meeting the new significant other's that come to OUWB. 

Not much else is going on. Just the usual work, study, sleep routine that we know so well. Hopefully I will have more exciting things to talk about next time :)

Goodbye for now,