I always knew that I wanted to help people. Help people organize, help care for people, help clean their homes, mow their lawns. I loved knowing that I could do something for someone if they weren't able to do it for themselves. I'm sure that's why I love the elderly (and they're just so darn cute... well, most of the time :)
I have been working with the elderly since I was 19, and even when I have left to do something else, I always seem to come right back to it. Elderly people are so fascinating and if you have the time and patients to really listen to what they have to say, they usually have a pretty cool history.
-It's nights like this that I have to remind myself why I am doing what I'm doing. I am currently on my break at work and there must be something in the water tonight.
Everyone is absolutely crazy. It could also be that I have had a head ache for four days straight and haven't had a full day off in more days that I can remember... So, my patients is thin and no matter what, they will not move faster if you try and make them.
enough of all that. My med school man has all his tests tomorrow and I know he is going to kill it! That also means.. *Drum roll please*.. that we have slack off week!!! woohoo!! We actually have things planned outside of work, the library, and our apartment. I could not be more excited.
Well, my break is almost over... back to the crazies! ;)
p.s. Good luck to all the med school students, I know you guys will do great!