Thursday, October 27, 2011

Married Life vs. Medical Life

Welcome to my blog!

I have decided to start a blog about being married to a 1st year med student.  Mainly this blog will be for me, but I hope other people who are in a similar situation can find comfort or support from this also.

I am only 2 months into the whole medical world, but so far its been one wild ride.

Let me give you a little back ground info;

-Josh and I have been together for 8 years and married for 4 months.
-He is attending OUWB, and 11 weeks into his first year. (kinda feels like 2 years already)
-I work as a CNA for the elderly.
-We love watching dexter and weeds when we can.
-He is interested in Internal Medicine.
-we are adjusting well to being married, and I have only had a f e w melt downs during the process. :)

I'm hoping to update regularly and share what our lives have and will become.

Thanks for reading!