Friday, October 28, 2011

it's almost time for... BFCP #3

BFCP stands for... hmmm, I can't remember at the moment, but, it's a big test or "assessment" (I hear that word more times than I hear my own name) for the med students covering all of their science classes. and it is now two weekends away. ahhh!

The process goes something like this:
study study study study study, freak out, study study....etc.
1. Take test
2. Freak out
3. Think you're going to fail for at least 24 hours
4. Getting test back, picking apart every little thing you did right or wrong
5. Go through "week after test syndrome" .... this is where all of your bad study habits come out, you take more naps, spend more time with friends or those special people in your life that stick around because they know you're going to make a lot of money one day :) (only kidding!)
6. Then, reality kicks back in and you repeat the entire process.

Well, right now Josh is in the reality kicking back in portion and he knows he has to put in some extra hours due to a slightly prolonged "week after test syndrome".  (we watched 2 hours of dexter the other night, pretty crazy!)  But, I know he will be just fine... he puts in the time and understand the material so when test day comes *even though he doubts himself* I know he will kick some booty.

That is all for now.  I have a messy apartment to tend to, and will be savoring the last 12 hours of my day off.


1 comment:

  1. Felicia! Felicia! Felicia! ( that's just to remind you that your name isn't BFCP). Lol
